Saturday, November 21, 2009

Let's talk about the R word

Resposibility, This is the topic that is on my mind at this time. Not the typical resposibilities that come with everyday life. No I'm talking about taking a little common sense responsibility. You know when you see an older person struggling with a heavy load of groceries and they need help with the door, Help them. A mother has 2 children that seem to be getting away from her just cast your eyes to the one farthest away and keep them there. Most of the time it doesn't take the effort that you think it would and even if there is no thank you, you know that no one got their hip broken and no on ended up on a milk carton. Ok that's a bit drastic but sometimes the worst case does happen and it happens to more and more people everyday. These people could have been helped from pulling open a door or just being able to see where the other child wandered to.
My growing concerns with society seems to be coming to a much larger head than I thought. I see so many things in everyday life that can be helped. I do it. I don't do it for the recognition or as some call it "the glory". I seem to have a need to help others and have always had it, I don't think it's some thing that I can ever get rid of. I do unfortunatly have a need now to get others involved. I have come to a wonderful conclusion, People seem to just need a little guildance and they will be very willing to give what they can of their time and sometimes of their finances.
This something that gives me the warm fuzzies, like kittens and dryer lint it's warm and cuddly and just good for the soul. I think my train of thought is wavering I may have to end this quickly or it will turn into a run on.
Ok so short sweet and to the point. Just do it, Hold the door, Cast the eyes, say excuse me, say please, and don't complain about the world and the people in it if you have no intention of trying to be a better person in a better world. Nothing ever gets fixed by bitching about it. The more that you complain the more it snowballs.
Do I have to say it again? Ok hear it is Help others and it will help you.

Much love much caring and much respect

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