Ok so it seems that this is going to be even harder that I had thought.
When people make the statement "It's all about the kid(s)", that becomes more true if your not out drinking every night. People can preach how much their kids mean to them but until you can step up and actually take what you need out of the equation and make what they need be the most important thing then your just spouting out the crap!
In this situation it has been a long road of having to ask my husband to grow up. He in return says that I need to grow up (as you can see the maturity level in our house is low). I am of the school that parenting is a full time job and to be taken seriously. There are too many kids out there that don't get enough of a focus on them and I don't want my child to be one of thoses kids. I don't want him to be a kid like I was, sitting waiting for a daddy that wasn't coming. I don't want to be the bitter mother that feels the financial burden and feels it unfair that her life got taken away because she spends all her time making money so that the baby can have all he needs.
Since my husband refused to grow up when he was here, (now that he has even less responsibility he has nothing to hold him back) I am concerned that he will be the daddy that bolts. He has already shirked off seeing his son and has also taken no financial responsibility. He does though have money to go out drinking buy drugs and take cabs all over Gods green acre.
You ask why would he chose to do this and his response "He's just doing him". Isn't that a spectacular reason. I'm trying to mend a crushed little boy who wants his daddy who keeps looking for his daddy but doesn't understand that daddy has a problem that for a long time mommy fought against. This only created a wall and yes I know you can't make an addict quit and you can't reason with someones ego, but I thought he loved at least him enough to try. You can take me out of the equation even though I sit here wondering how you can look at a little boy that precious and happy and smart and so loving that he can make even the grayest day bright, and not try to not even care. To put your own selfish (yes I think they are selfish) needs ahead of something that beautiful and pure something so unconditional as your childs love.
I am angry I am hurt I do feel wronged, but I am ripped apart watching that little looking for daddy.
So please if your going to put the kids first, then damn it put them first.
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