Thursday, September 17, 2009

How do they do it?

I have wondered almost everyday how my life would be now if I had opted to be a stay at home mom. Many woman had for many years done what I thought to be putting their dreams asperations and careers on hold to stay at home to raise the kids. I see now that I was really wrong!
Most of the women in my family are "Career Women", the bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. They have for decades held down important jobs and held down the home front, I sometimes questioned whether I would be able to preform the tasks that they did with seemless effort and grace, not abead of sweat running down their brows. I now know that all the sweating was done in privacy and behind closed doors. I now have that same pained effortless smile that I belive that my Great Nannie created and my mother perfected.
Now down to my point, this blog is pretty much and ode to my aunt Cheryl and especially my friend Justine. these are 2 women who made me a hard core working mom see that there is so much joy in raising our children. I still everyday that I leave to go to work feel pangs of guilt that I have to shake off before I can really do my job,(sometimes not so easy).
My Aunt Cheryl stayed at home to raise 2 of the coolest, smartest, most intelligent kids I know. She will always be the first and the last to sing their praises she is the mother who knows when the hugs and kisses are needed and when she needs to let them stand on their own. She is now my sons Super Aunt Cheryl and she sings the same praises for him and for this I am greatful. She will always be there with hugs and kisses for him and for that I am forever indebted.
My friend Justine who has had the 2 most beautiful little girls, June is her animated polite and perfectly hilarious older daughter, and sweet Rose who is still quite young but very full of personallity and just about the most expressive eyes I've seen in a while. These 2 girls prove to keep their mother on her toes.
I went for a playdate at Justines home so Alex could see June and so I could finally in my busy day find time to see beautiful baby Rose, (who was born around the middle of May). When I first walked in Justine was sweeping the floor and preparing for our visit,she commented, "I'm trying to make my house clean like yours" I laughed in my own head thinking yea, I finally fooled someone into thinking I'm actually holding it all together. All I could think to honestly respond was, "You should see it now, not so clean".
After an exchange of many different stories and shared experiences I came to the conclusion that Justine thinks of me like some kind of Superwoman. I am not. I'm just a person who has a head consummed with what could happen or what I will need for such an occurance. My purse/diaper bag/ luggage holds all that I will ever need, or at least I hope.
Here's the thing I see my Aunt Cheryl and Justine as Superwomen. They manage to give their lives over to their chidren they put what they want and need on the backburners for the welfare and growth of the little ones minds, bodies, and souls. They truely deserve our love, respect, and compassion for all the sleepless nights, all the colds and fevers, all of the times that they had to give of themselves for the better of every person in their families.
So Justine the next time you think I have it so together, I'm think I'm just compinsating for the hugs and kisses I don't get to give all day, with my grand gestures.

P.S. Check the closets for piles of hidden clothes and toys before you think that I have any super powers.

Love to stay at home Moms XOXO

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