Saturday, September 26, 2009

You can't please all the people all the time.

So as I get older I realize that the old saying, "You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all the people happy all the time." It tends to ring a bit truer with the older you get and your life becomes more complicated. Be it whether you have taken on having children or getting married. If you take on more responsilbity at work. I unforntunatly have decided to do all of the above. I wouldn't say I'm a person that takes the easy way out, but I'm not the kind of person who tries to throw road blocks in my own way, (I do tend to get a little pissed if someone eles tries too).
I am at a crossroads in many relationships in my life. I tend to take on alot and that has started to spread me a little thin, the only thing I am not questioning is my love and undying devotion to my beautiful son. Mommy as always loves you.
I'm going to go through a day in my life, mant have stated that they wouldn't trade places with me for anything. I don't blame them.
First thing I do not like the amount I have to work, but I have to so no more complaining about that. I love what I do no matter how much I complain, I've worked hard to get where I am and I can feel the cusp of change.
My day can begin in many different ways, I can wake to my son calling out, my alarm going off,(most times before the sun comes up), occasionally I could wake up on my own. Those I can count on one hand in the last 6 months. I then proceed to either get my son cleaned up and fed before I wake up my husband so that I can take 15 minutes to get ready to go to work. I then leave my house to the mama no mum mum. This breaks my heart for about 8 hours till I grt to hug and kiss him again. Ususally I get to have some sort of fight with my husband as well which tends to set me back on my daily journey. So let's recap so far haven't been up for more than an hour and already I'm ready to crawl into a hole and die.
Now after either driving or walking to work I can walk in to a full restaurant where I have to dive ankle deep into it and start running right off he bat, usually to cranky cutomers, cranky staff, which will translate later into angry boss. I don't know why he just will be. Usually by 11am I have run the restaurant to a profit and myself into the ground. This day may result in a screaming match or 7 with Stanley and then on to lunch. This is a true test of my endurance I have to maintain the largest section in the restaurant, plus keep the kitchen and the rest of the staff moving. Maintain an eye on the door, keep Stan distracted from any problems and away from trying to throw people out, (be it staff or customers). I also have to deal with ant and all customer complaints, while still maintaining my customers that can be as many as 46 at a time this includes all and any of Stanleys friends a group of demanding condicending people. Sidebar, to the lawyers I am a server not a servent. Get it straight!
After lunch I deal with any issues that have occured and put those to bed. Then I can have any responsiblities from the schedule to pick ups for items that will be required for the evening or the next day. It can even go as far as going to pick up the bosses wife and driving her home. Fun fun.
Now I get to go home to my family, unless I have to go get groceries, pick up a prescription, or anything eles that I may need that I will be unable to run out and get after I get home. I walk in the door usually to the sounds of my sweetest baby boy calling for me. this is music to my ears.
My husband heads off to bed and my time with my son begins. We usually clean up any mess that has been made during the day, the big clean happens when he goes to bed. Now for fun, we go to the park, then to the store for a nice treat of chocolate milk then we go for a walk around the neighborhood and then home for dinner. I make his dinner and something for myself. While he eays like a big boy I go around and get his sippy cups and his bedtime bottles clean them and refill them so that they are ready for the next day.
Anybody tired yet? No time there is still laundry floors to clean a dog to feed and possibly walk as well, and I still have a tired boy who needs a bath and a cuddle and his shows. Sometimes he refuses to nap in the afternoon so bedtimes can be anywhere between 7 or 8 pm. He likes bathtime and he even likes bed time. YIPPIE! This makes me super happy and lucky.
After baths, snuggles, In the Night Garden watched, and bedtime routine has been followed he heads to bed and 99% of the time his head hits the pillow he's asleep, case closed ( I miss him already).
Now on to the bike exercise for me and laundry in the machine, afterwards I may field calls from my boss txt messages from employees. I get hte floors swept and ready for the next day get a shower, god willing and sit down to watch some T.V. In bed around 10pm asleep by usually 11 sometimes sleep doesn't come till midnight but such is life. My husband is gone to work my son is asleep and my mind has already started on how to make it that I can get home earlier so I can see my boy.
I miss him everyday all day I miss having an actual relationship with my husband.
I do it all for them and sometimes I find it hard but sometimes I'm the person that I can't make happy all the time.

Tata for now.

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